Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Still Like This Song

You had my heart
We'll never be worlds apart
May be in magazines but you'll still be my star
Baby 'cause in the dark you can't see shiny cars
And that's when you need me there
With you I'll always share because
When the sun shine we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath, I'mma stick it out 'til the end
Now that it's raining more then ever know that we'll still have eachother
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh eh eh-eh)
These fancy things will never come in between
You're apart of my entity
Here for infinity
When the war has took his part
When the world has delt it's card
If the hand is hard together we'll mend your heart because
When the sun shine we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath, I'mma stick it out 'til the end
Now that it's raining more then ever know that we'll still have eachother
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh eh eh-eh)
You can run into my arms
It's okay, don't be alarmed
Come into me
There's no distance in between our love
So go on and let the rain pour
I'll be all you need and more because
When the sun shine we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath, I'mma stick it out 'til the end
Now that it's raining more then ever know that we'll still have eachother
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh eh eh-eh)

It's raining (raining)
Oh baby it's raining (raining)
Baby come into me
Come into me
It's raining (raining)
Oh baby it's raining (raining)
You can always come into me
Come into me
It's pouring rain
It's pouring rain
Come into me
Come into me
It's pouring rain

My Destiny for My Future

Hoaaa... akhirnya masuk kuliah juga hari ini, hoho lega rasanya kayak baru kluar gua.. hbis liburan di rumah melulu seh huhuhu, stress bok!

Pas kmrn" q sempet bingung jg nih, gara" jatah sks ku minim huhu. . pengennya ndang lulus gtu tapi usaha kurang...
Tadi aq ya sempet mikirin lagi mau masuk konsentrasi apa? and setelah dipikir-pikir ternyata konsentrasi pemasaran yang paling enak, yah walaupun harus nggenjot di statistiknya aku yakin bisa koq.. Klo ada niat pasti ada jalan, apalagi kalau menyertakan Tuhan..
Oke deh, mulai sekarang aku mau janji sama diriku sendiri kalau semester ini aku harus niat kuliah, nda boleh males dan buang-buang waktu. .Hoho, smangat!!

Oya, buat papiku juga.. Congratz yah pi, buat rejeki bulan ni. . jangan lupa terus bersyukur sama Tuhan dan tetap kerja keras yah sayang..God Bless US. .

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

Jangan Dibaca Karena Nda Penting

Oalah.... kesepian lagi kesepian lagi...
Nda ditinggal sayangku, nda ditinggal keluargaku. .
Pi, ndang pulang po'o jangan pergi" terus, aq dtinggal sibuk terus jd kangen nih. .huhu.. smsnya error lg, bikin bete. .akhirnya nulis-nulis di blog nda jelas kayak gini..

Hadooh, kristal dateng.. wez alamat tambah bete aq dgangguin terus. .
Pi, papi sayang aku nda? hehe.. aku kangen lhooooo... ayo sini ndang pulang, nti q ke ruma maen hehe.. *sek konslet disek

Yah, ntar lagi ya masuk kul.. aq pulangnya sore terus. . moga ja nda jadi pas ktmu papiku msh iz seneng" deh hahah. .

Walah, ni udh 3 kali sms nda ada delivery reportnya, ni hapenya yg bobrok apa operatornya yg males ngirimin delivery report yah.. biyuh ..

Pi.... ojok ngerjain aq, pulangnya besok apa selasa nih? huhuh.. apa pengenx d hotel trus yoh? hmm....
Ayok ndang pulang yok, ndang masak brg lagi ndang nonton brg lagi. . ndang ktmu wez poko e..
Miss u. .

Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

Nice Late Night

Today I wake up earlier then take a few minutes to pray..
What an excellent morning today! 
Well, because I start my day with a good thing, then I want to continue today to do something useful..

And let me conclude my activities today, it's consist of :
Clean up my pet's house, buy for my boyfriend need and practice guitar with my lil brother. .
This late night is very nice, I like to play music and enjoy the songs I like.. 
I want to do this till I have satisfication on it =DD

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Our Anniversary

Today is Our first half year anniversary =D..
We celebrate the day with eat a big plate of noodle (D.I.Y =P) and drink our favorite beverage..
I'm glad to be with him, I hope day by day we can understand each other and make many progress in our relationship.
I will never forget to God, because He united us. 
I very very love Him, and I always do anything I can do for Him.
God, thanks for united us.. 

This song is present for him..<3

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

New Habit

I have tried everything to increase my weight, but there are give me nothing..
And now I think that eat regularly is the best way to increase my weight, so I will try to eat regularly again  whatever happens..

Cuz, I thought if we eat regularly we will have a perfect body from inside or outside. It can make our body looks good, we can see it according to our skin, hair and the power we have.
So eat regularly is very important, and I promise for myself that I will always eat at the time. 
Yeah, I must against myself and I must have a big appetite..
Go go go!! 

It's must done, cuz it's not difficult. ..

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

Sunday Morning

Minggu pagi, Sunday mornig, Minggu pagi, Sunday morning. .
Waktunya ke gereja. ..
Hahahah, ayo yang rajin ke gereja...

Today Activities

Haduh... perih mataku habis ngonceki bawang, ya nayamul bantuin mama bersih-bersih juga. Daripada nganggur gtu..

Liburan ini rasanya kurang kegiatan deh aku, bisa diliat dari ukuran pantat yg agk tepos gara-gara kebanyakan duduk sama tidur.. *hahahahhah
Tapi kujanji sama diri sendiri, nanti pas waktu kuliah mesti rajin kerja tugas and nda bolos-bolos.

Smoga kelas baruku nanti lebih menyenangkan dari semester kemaren, and dapet temen-temen yang lebih nyenengin juga..

Eh, si pluto tadi pagi bisa-bisanya nglompatin pager.. biyuuuh, anjingku kayak ninja ae (katanya adkq gtu)
Hahah, kapan-kapan aku fotoin deh pas Pluto beraksi, kasian sih tapi td nyantol di pager  waktu nglompat. . hahahha, tapi lucu ngliatnya.. 
Oalah, anjingku sayang anjingku malang..
Maka e jangan pencilakkan yooohh...

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Benda Impian di Dalam Rumah

Barusan di sms sama my boyfriend, suddenly he ask me. .
Sebutkan 3 benda impian yang akan melengkapi rumah impian anda...

Aku mention klo aku pengen punya kitchen set, home theater sama grand piano..
ehehe.. langsung nyari model" grand piano aku. .
Yah... yg aku tu ya sekitar yang kayak ini ni. .
Nice Look :)

Yang modern bole jugaa
Ini nyeni nih. .

Tapi klo kasik gini kurang gampang d sm perabot yang lain

Anjing Anjing ku..

" Aku punya 2 anjing kecil. .
ku beri nama bruno pluto, mreka senang melompat-lompat sambil mengunyah bata..  bruno guk...guk...guk.... kemari guk...guk...guk.. 
Ayo nyemil odol. .. pluto guk...guk...guk.... kemari guk...guk...guk.... ayo ngemut permen "

* lagu heli guk...guk...guk... yang dipaksakan, ahhaha

Pecandu Odol... *look at his nose, guess that what!!

Pluto berpose. .. *heh..ojok gaya aaa.. 
stay at luar..

Do It Yourself (D.I.Y)

After shopping Day with my lovely boyfriend, on the next day I try to mix and match all the thing that I've bought. .
And tadaaaaa.... I like to share some of my "work" , hohoho Love all the things <3

* All the bracelet and necklace I made by myself except, the stone necklace...=P
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Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Start New Now. .

Yeahh... blog ku yang kemarin udh ke blokir setelah beberapa kali ku nyoba masuk. .hahahha..
Padahal udh lumayan lama bikinnya..
Terpaksa bikin ulang deh. .
By the way, ku dulu suka bnaget lho nulis diary .. makanya q bikin blog..  haha, sekalian ngisi waktu luang di kala senggang..

Sebenarnya ini bukan pertama kalinya sih bikin blog, udah ke 2 kalinya.. huhuhuh.. Smoga blog ku yang baru ini awet wet.. sampe aku tua..  Halahh.. hahah.. 
Yap", sekarang q mau memperindah blog ku ahh. .
Waiting for my next post.. YIPPAA